Chairman of the Supervisory Board Horváth AG, who is seen as one of the co-founders of Controlling in Germany. Born in Hungary, defined by "Wirtschaftswoche" as " Controlling Guru ", the author of about 500 publications in this topic. Co-editor of magazine "Controlling" and "Wissenschaftsmanagement". In addition to his various professional activities, he also works extensively in business practice. In 1981 he co-founded a consulting company Horváth & Partners and, at the same time, Head of Controlling Department at the University of Stuttgart. In 2000 he turned the management of the company Horváth & Partners as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Horváth AG. He is currently a member of the Management Board and the sole shareholder of International Performance Research Institute (IPRI). In the years 1975 - 1980, as a professor, he was Head of Controlling Department at the Polytechnic (now University of Technology) in Darmstadt, the first of its kind in the German Department. He also worked as a visiting professor in New York, Vienna, Sao Paulo and Shanghai.