Along the entire value chain

Here at the Dream Factory of the International Controller Association, we understand the term Big Data as being the analysis and real-time processing of large, unstructured and continuously flowing data from a wide range of different sources. At the forefront of this is the creation of credible information which then forms the basis for decisions which create benefit. A look at the real world shows that the fields where Big Data can be used and the potential benefits are very heterogeneous.


As a result, completely new possibilities are created, such as dynamic pricing, which can be coupled with the current market situation in real time. This can lead to prices for online retailing which change depending on the day or the time of day in order to, for example, manage the capacity utilization of in-company logistics. In the words of Mattias Ulbrich, CIO of Audia AG, “We are looking at Big Data along the entire value chain”1.


In vehicle development, market data from previous models, observations about competitors and social (lifestyle) trends, and customer feedback are combined and analyzed. The Japanese motorbike manufacturer Yamaha has created its own market research platform to this very end. In its online portal Yamaha Design Café, they provide (potential) customers with current news about their motorbikes. At the same time, users are asked regularly to take part on surveys to gather consumer insights into Yamaha’s brand, their products and the customers’ general driving behavior. This customer feedback flows directly into product development and is an important factor in shaping the development and especially the design of new vehicles and products right up until just before they are completed. Today, vehicle development is carried out digitally for all attributes so that the time to the so called design freeze can be extended2. This enables vehicle manufacturers to react to current developments pretty much in real time.

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